George Emery LYONS Sr. Genealogy

Death of Dr. Henry Montague Duncan

Source Information

  • Title Death of Dr. Henry Montague Duncan 
    Short Title Dr. Henry Montague Duncan - Death  
    Author Death of Dr. Duncan - Death Notice 
    Publisher Death Notice 
    Source ID S287 
    Text "Death of Dr. Duncan.
    Residents will learn with deep regret that one of
    the most noticeable of figures in Harrow life has
    passed away in the Death of Dr. Henry Montague
    Duncan of Camperdown Roxborough Park. Death came
    peacefully on Tuesday night at 10 o'clock when he
    went to his rest at the great age of 92.
    He was born when George IV was king and was 32
    years of age when the Crimean War was fought.
    His memory of stirring events of 70 years ago was
    good, and he was a striking and interesting
    personality. He received his medical training at
    University College hospital and was an M.D. of
    London and was in general Practise in
    Buckingham Palace Road for 30 years 1850 - 1880.
    After a short residence at South Hampstead he
    came to live at Harrow in 1901 since when he has
    been a familiar personage in our streets, and we
    regret the death of an estimated resident who was
    we believe the oldest London Doctor.
    The funeral will take place on Saturday
    at 11.15 at the cemetery." 
    Linked to Dr. Henry Montague DUNCAN